Animals After Dark is a three-part stripped event special from Pioneer Productions for Channel 5, fronted by a team of three presenters. The series explores the secret night time lives of Britain’s animals, once the humans are in bed. More than half of all wildlife activity takes place at night and over three nights, the series tracks the incredible life of nocturnal Britain.
Using revolutionary new lowlight camera technology, the series reveals what Britain’s creatures really get up through the night, minute by minute, hour by hour. As the lights go out in human homes, nature takes over: in woods and fields, in back gardens, zoos and rescue centres, the length and breadth of Britain.
Pioneer Productions is one of the UK's most successful specialist factual producers with a reputation for producing innovative, high quality, popular programmes for both UK and US broadcasters. The company prides itself on an industry-leading expertise in science and history, and a passion for telling factual stories in new and engaging ways.
Pioneer is prolific across a broad range of programme genres including history, science, drama-docs, engineering and adventure. The company has produced over 700 hours of programming, sold in over 60 countries worldwide. Clients include Discovery Channel, PBS, National Geographic Channel, History, ABC, TLC, Discovery Canada, and in the UK, Channel 4, Channel 5, the BBC, and ITV.
Pioneer Productions remains at the forefront of factual innovation and has won numerous awards for its output, capturing some of the most extreme weather on our planet in series such as Raging Planet, developing the use of special effects sequences to see inside human and animal bodies in In The Womb, creating pure CGI films such as Journey to the Edge of the Universe, and incorporating life-like CGI into drama-docs such as Cradle To Grave, The Unsinkable Titanic and Hindenburg. As well as continuing to push the boundaries with what’s possible in CGI, Pioneer is also developing unrivalled expertise in live and ‘as-live’ specialist factual with the Great American Eclipse (Science Channel), and the use of innovative technology in Channel 5 wildlife series Nocturnal Britain.
Other recent productions include long-running high-end science show How The Universe Works (Science Channel), as well as Secrets of the Royal Gardens (More4)