Media Centre

Gerry Gay appointed as new Editor of BBC Question Time

29 July 2022 | Mentorn Media
Gerry Gay appointed as new Editor of BBC Question Time

Gerry Gay has been appointed as the new editor of BBC Question Time. He will start this role when the programme returns in September with a new set.

Gerry is currently editor of The Nine, BBC Scotland’s nightly news programme, and was part of its launch team. He started his broadcast career at the BBC where he has worked in editorial roles across BBC news and sports programmes, including Reporting Scotland, where he was assistant editor during the Scottish independence referendum. Outside the BBC, Gerry also developed and launched a daily news programme in Washington DC.

Gerry Gay says: “I’ve been an avid viewer of Question Time for as long as I can remember, and I’m honoured to be entrusted with one of the most exciting jobs in broadcast journalism. There’s never been a more important time for civilised and passionate debate, and I can’t wait to get started!”

Katy Searle, interim BBC Senior Controller of Programmes and Commissioning, says:“Question Time is the BBC’s flagship debate programme, which puts the British public front and centre of the show. Gerry’s done a brilliant job developing The Nine and I know he’ll bring the same vision and confidence to Question Time as the programme evolves. I’m delighted to appoint him as editor.”

Nicolai Gentchev, Director of Current Affairs, Mentorn Media, says: “Question Time restarts in September just after the new Prime Minister takes over, amid huge economic and political challenges. A general election is two years away at most. Question Time’s role of giving the public the chance to test ideas and political leaders through debate is vitally important. Gerry has shown assured and creative leadership, and I am looking forward to working with him as he steers the programme through big events to come.”

Question Time airs Thursdays at 10.45pm on BBC One and is now streamed live on iPlayer at 8pm. It is produced by Mentorn Scotland for BBC Scotland.